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Australian Aboriginal Art Exhibition London





The first multi–media exhibition of Martu Artists in the UK featuring film, photographs, sound and paintings from the Great Sandy, Little Sandy and Gibson Deserts of Western Australia

Frewen Arts in association with Martumili Artists is pleased to announce the opening of a major Aboriginal Art exhibition in London, Three Deserts Singing, featuring the rich, colourful and emotive paintings of leading contemporary artists from the Martu community. 


Opening on 2nd November 2015, the multi-media show illustrates the practical and mysterious ways in which the Martu record the landscapes of their country, through oral histories and vibrant paintings that speak of a sophisticated geographical knowledge.


The artwork asserts the thousands of years of cultural continuity to the land, infused with the spirit of ancestral energies, individual aesthetic and contemporary life.

Wokka Taylor - Born Perical Lakes area 1939. Wokka is a senior Martu man who liives in Parnngurr.
Nyarrie Morgan - Born Wanawara area 1929. Nyarrie is a Martu elder who lives in Parnngurr.
Ngamaru Bidu - Born Martilirri area 1950. Lives in Parnngurr.
Nancy Nyanjilpayi Chapman - Born 1941 Milpin area. She is a knowlegable painter of Punmu country.
Mulyatingki Marney - Born 1940 Nyinyiri. She has lived at Punmu since 1982.
Jakayu Biljabu - Born 1936 north of Pitu. She has lived at Punmu since 1982.

To read more please click here

Bugai Whyoulter - Born 1940 Pukayiyirna. She currently lives in  Kunawarritji.
Kumpaya Girgirba - Born 1933, Kunawarritji, lives at Parnngurr.
Curtis Taylor - Filmaker and screen artist from Parnngurr (Cotton Creek)

Frewen Arts

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